Board member Jean Trebek speaks about Helen Keller Intl on UBS On-Air Conversations

Recently, Jean Trebek, Helen Keller Intl Board of Trustees and CEO of Inside Wink, sat down with Sarah Salomon, Head of UBS Family Advisory and Philanthropic Services, to discuss her philanthropic journey and priorities.
In her conversation, Jean speaks about admiration of Helen Keller, the person, getting to know Helen Keller Intl and CEO Kathy Spahn, and recently joining the organization’s Board of Trustees. “The board, the people that work on the Helen Keller Intl board, are just the most amazing group of people. There it is!”
Responding to how Helen Keller Intl builds on and brings to live Helen Keller’s legacy, Jean explains, “Helen Keller Intl builds on Helen’s legacy of advocacy by partnering with communities around the world who are striving to overcome longstanding cycles of poverty. Helen Keller Intl believes that like Helen, with the right support at the right time, children and families can create lasting change in their own lives and realize their true potential.”
We hope you’ll listen to Jean’s full interview on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or UBS’s website.