Envision a Brighter Future

Envision a Brighter Future

Helen Keller Planned Giving Logo

Simple actions you take now can help change the world for years to come.

Estate planning is an important step you can take to help provide for your family in the future. Like you, the people we serve also want to provide for their families and you can help support a brighter future through your estate planning. Helen Keller co-founded Helen Keller Intl to ensure that no one is deprived of the opportunity to live a healthy life and reach their true potential. Making a planned gift to a cause that matters to you can help transform the lives of children and families around the world for generations.  

Making a planned gift is one of the most impactful things you can do to help create a brighter future.

Your generosity can help make your vision of a better world a reality. 

  • Ensure millions of children gain good health, sound nutrition, and clear vision.  
  • Give every child who needs them a pair of eyeglasses and the chance to learn and thrive.  
  • Help families grow and eat nutritious food and access essential medicines and life-saving treatments.  

Consider a few easy steps you can take to help children and families. You could do more good in the world than you ever imagined.

Include Helen Keller in your Will

Speak with your attorney about how to include Helen Keller in your existing will, or create your free legal will through our partner, FreeWill.

Make Helen Keller a Beneficiary

Naming Helen Keller as a beneficiary in your retirement plan, life insurance policy, or annuity creates a lasting foundation for our urgent work.

Give through your Donor Advised Fund

Direct your donor advised fund to give a final gift of whatever remains upon your passing to Helen Keller or another charity of choice.

Please make sure to use our full legal name and address when planning your legacy:

Legal Name: Helen Keller Intl
Address: One Dag Hammarskjold Plaza, New York, NY 10017
Tax ID: 13-5562162

And if you have already made a legacy gift to Helen Keller, THANK YOU! Please share your plans so we can thank you properly!

Reach out to us with questions at any time: Kristin Howell at [email protected] or 646-472-0332. 

Thank you for all you do for Helen Keller Intl. We are so glad you are here!