In a small Kenyan village, a day of informational entertainment ends with a tour of the new maternity ward and convinces the community of the benefits of quality maternity[...]
At 7pm on July 20, sixteen year-old Hildah went to a county hospital in western Kenya complaining of abdominal pain. By 9pm, she was a new mother. Here’s how we[...]
Helen Keller Intl is pleased to announce that we have been rated a “Top Charity” by GiveWell for the fourth year in a row for our lifesaving work to deliver vitamin A supplements to infants and children around the[...]
A Helen Keller nutrition advisor and a nurse share how coronavirus has changed the ways they help even the most remote Senegalese communities access health care and good[...]
For the health and safety of vulnerable children, Helen Keller Intl moved quickly to adapt life-saving vitamin A supplementation campaigns to the context of[...]