Championing Prenatal Vitamins in Sierra Leone

Two Sierra Leonean women stand outside of a house. One is holding a bottle of prenatal vitamins.For nearly 10 years, Boncapri Sesay has served as a peer educator, providing counseling and guidance to pregnant and breastfeeding women in her own community. Regularly hosting a group that meets under a mango tree in her rural village in Sierra Leone’s[...]

The Road to Nutrition for Growth

A Senegalese woman hugs her young son.All eyes are on Paris as the world prepares to open the 2024 Olympic Games, a symbol of health, strength, and human potential. France is also preparing to host another global moment: The Nutrition for Growth Summit. This global pledging moment, first held[...]

Engaging Local Leaders to Fight Malnutrition in Cameroon

A Cameroonian woman feeds a baby girl porridge.As a newborn, Rose Fenged’s nephew and godson, Wouffé, was malnourished and got sick frequently. Rose noticed that many other young children in her community in Cameroon’s Far North region were also underweight and likely not getting the nutrition they[...]

Saving Sight and Lives with Micro but Mighty Vitamin A

A close up of a young girl in Cameroon receiving a vitamin A supplement.Vitamin A is a micronutrient that is critical to children’s growing bodies and brains. A single capsule of vitamin A – at a little more than $1 each – given to children twice a year until their fifth birthday can literally save their sight and[...]

Building Upon Our Legacy of Health, Nutrition, and Vision

A healthcare worker tends to a small baby being held by his mother.Over the past several decades, Helen Keller Intl has continued to expand our ability to help people around the world create lasting change in their own lives. Today, we reach more than 70 million children and family members across 20 countries with the[...]