Women at the heart of our work 

Mother gives child a vitamin A supplement.Women are the cornerstones of many families. They oversee home life — raising the children, preparing meals, even fetching water — and they bear responsibility for part, if not all, of their families’ livelihoods. In times of struggle, women often put[...]

Working Miracles to Preserve Sight

Anne Sullivan, known around the world as “the miracle worker” for her extraordinary achievements as Helen Keller’s teacher, overcame enormous challenges of her own. Born into poverty in Massachusetts in 1866, Anne lost much of her sight as a result of a[...]

Empowering Parents to Provide a Path to Nutrition

Barnebas and his father in their OFSP garden harvested for a special meal for Barnebas, april 21The holidays are here, and many are looking forward to seeing their loved ones and counting their blessings. The Foliou family is no exception.   As Abdoulaye stoops down behind his son, he holds a fist full of orange-fleshed sweet potatoes in the[...]

Micro but Mighty: How Vitamin A Saves Lives [Photo Essay]

A child receives drops of vitamin A in Cote d'Ivoire.Thanks to a global community of donors, millions of children receive life-saving vitamin A every year. Click through our photo essay to learn more about this mighty micronutrient and how we are helping to improve children's health and well-being by increasing[...]

USAID-funded MMDP Project: A New Chance at Life

To give affected people a new chance at life by saving sight and restoring mobility, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) made a significant investment in 2014 by funding the five-year, flagship Morbidity Management and Disability[...]