Our co-founder Helen Keller’s words “alone we can do so little; together we can do so much” continue to guide and inspire our mission. Together, partners across the world have made tremendous progress in tackling debilitating, neglected diseases,[...]
Helen Keller International was proud to participate in The Power of Partnership, a panel discussion that brought NGO leaders together to reflect on ways in which working together can magnify[...]
Helen Keller International, a leading global nonprofit organization dedicated to fighting the causes and consequences of preventable blindness and malnutrition, celebrated a year of transformational work at the 2016 Spirit of Helen Keller Gala on Monday, May[...]
On Tuesday, December 1 — Giving Tuesday 2015 — Helen Keller International hosted a FRIENDraiser at SideBAR in New York City. View images from the event here. Dozens of friends and supporters came out to hear entrepreneur Ken Adams, CEO of GorillaKilla,[...]
Excerpted from Kate Ganz’s acceptance speech upon receiving the 2013 Spirit of Helen Keller Award. When I thought about what I wanted to talk about this evening I kept remembering one day, one afternoon, one visit that I made to an impoverished village[...]
Helen Keller International’s year-long Centennial Celebration continued with the “Rio Paris” Gala in Paris, France. The event was held by Helen Keller Europe on June 8, 2015 at the Olympia music hall. The gala marked Helen Keller[...]
From Malnourished Child to Health and Nutrition Advocate: Pham Kim Ngoc's StoryOn May 18, 2015, Pham Kim Ngoc, Country Director for Helen Keller Intl Vietnam, spoke to more than 400 supporters and friends at Helen Keller Intl’s Spirit of Helen Keller[...]