Anne Sullivan, known around the world as “the miracle worker” for her extraordinary achievements as Helen Keller’s teacher, overcame enormous challenges of her own. Born into poverty in Massachusetts in 1866, Anne lost much of her sight as a result of a[...]
Overcoming COVID-19's challenges to prioritize children’s healthFor families who live in places where nutritious foods — along with basic healthcare — are out of reach even in the best of times, the COVID-19 crisis brings especially severe[...]
For years, Helen Keller has partnered with local caregivers in Kenya to provide vitamin A supplements to children. A superpower for children’s sight and health, Vitamin A is instrumental in developing clear vision and a healthy immune system. Among those[...]
Adama, one of almost 2000 Nigerian children screened in just two months, was found to be severely malnourished with complication. A new future came just in time, as she received critical, life-saving medical intervention at health centers partnering with[...]
36% of all Nepalese children suffer from chronic malnutrition, with a staggering 1 in 10 experiencing it severely. Indra Kshetri and Helen Keller’s Nepal team are committed to improving the lives of the vulnerable by combating the causes and consequences of[...]