Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

How can my donation have an even greater impact?

Gifts of all levels to Helen Keller Intl support our work to prevent blindness and reduce malnutrition around the world. To increase the impact of your gift, see if your employer will match your gift.

Can Helen Keller Intl help fund my organization’s work?

Helen Keller is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that solicits funds to support and maintain our programs to prevent blindness and vision loss and reduce malnutrition.  Unfortunately, that means we do not make grants or provide funding to other nonprofit organizations.

Does Helen Keller offer grants or scholarships to individuals?

We do not provide scholarships, funding or direct support to individuals. We work closely with communities through partnerships with governments, health organizations and local community groups.

Does Helen Keller partner with other nonprofit or nongovernmental organizations?

Partnerships are fundamental to how we work and we strive to develop relationships with organizations—both large and small—with which we are best suited to work.  If you are interested in partnering with Helen Keller and you work in a country where we are active, please email [email protected] describing your organization, its mission, why you believe a partnership would be mutually beneficial, and how you envision a partnership working. Emails will be forwarded to an appropriate staff person for follow-up.

How can I receive services?

Helen Keller provides services only in the communities where we work. We cannot respond to individual requests for services or support because our work is completed through partnerships in local communities. If you are looking for services for the blind and vision impaired, Helen Keller Services for the Blind offers services and resources in the New York City metropolitan area. The American Foundation for the Blind Service Directory is also an excellent resource for finding local services throughout the country.   

Which countries do you work in?

Helen Keller Intl is headquartered in New York City, and supports millions of people across 20 countries in Africa, Asia, Europe, and the United States.

Will Helen Keller consider bringing its programs to the country where I live?

At this time we are not looking to expand our operations.

How can I learn about working or volunteering for Helen Keller?

All current job openings, including internships, are listed on our Careers page. Due to the nature of our work, we have limited opportunities for volunteers; however, if you have special skills that fit our mission, you may send information including your résumé/CV to [email protected].

How do I remove myself from your mailing list?

If you no longer wish to receive your emails, simply click the unsubscribe button that appears on the bottom of our messages.

If you would like to be removed from our print mailing list, please send your name and address to [email protected] with the subject “Remove from print mailing list.”  Please note that it may take up to two months before you stop receiving mailings from us.

What is Helen Keller Intl’s tax ID#?

Our employer identification number (EIN) is 13-5562162.  Additional resources can be found on our Financial Accountability page.

What is your connection with Helen Keller?

Helen Keller Intl was founded in 1915 by Helen Keller and George Kessler as the British, French, and Belgian Permanent Blind Relief War Fund. In 1977 the organization changed its name to Helen Keller Intl to honor our co-founder and recognize her contributions in helping not only the blind, but also those who are vulnerable or disadvantaged. The indomitable spirit of Helen Keller continues to frame our values and to guide our work today.

I would like to include Helen Keller’s work in my book or on my website.  How can I get permission to use material produced by Helen Keller?

Helen Keller Intl does not have the authority to grant permission to use Helen Keller’s work.  Please contact the American Foundation for the Blind for permission to publish material from the Helen Keller Archives.

Is Helen Keller Intl involved in any kind of religious activity?

No, Helen Keller Intl is not involved in any religious activities. Our work is focused on preventing blindness and vision loss and reducing malnutrition among the most vulnerable and disadvantaged.

Privacy Statement

It is of the utmost importance to Helen Keller Intl to protect the privacy rights of all visitors to our website and donors to our organization. Our policies regarding tracking, donation processing, and use of data can be found here.