3 Things to be Optimistic About in 2025

A Kenyan mother smiles at her baby. I find life an exciting business – and most exciting when it is lived for others. Helen Keller A new year brings new opportunities to celebrate our progress and recognize the prospects we have to create positive ripples for children and families around the[...]

The New York Times Highlights the Power of Exclusive Breastfeeding

A Kenyan woman holds a small baby on her lap as another woman looks on.A new piece from The New York Times explores a time-tested way to support babies’ growth and development: breastfeeding. Read the full article here: A Low-Tech Way to Save Babies’ Lives Helen Keller Intl’s Chief Program Officer, Shawn Baker, points out[...]

Helen Keller Recognized as Top Global Charity by The Economist

The Economist recently recognized Helen Keller Intl for our high-impact, cost-effective programs in the article, The Search for the World’s Most Efficient Charities.  The piece highlights the charity evaluator GiveWell’s rigorous approach to[...]

2024 Year in Review: Ripple Effects [Photo Essay]

Last year, Helen Keller Intl reached 81 million children and family members with the building blocks of good health, sound nutrition, and clear vision. Community health heroes, peer mentors, parents, young people, and Helen Keller staff are creating positive[...]

Vox Recommends Helen Keller as a Top Charity to Support

As part of its Guide to Giving, Vox named Helen Keller Intl one of the top, most cost-effective global health charities.  The piece praised Helen Keller for addressing wide-spread vitamin A deficiency across Africa and Asia through twice-yearly[...]

Helping Children Grow Up Healthier with Vitamin A

A Cameroonian community health worker shows a bottle if vitamin A to a mother and her children.Vitamin A is critical to children’s healthy growth and development. This essential micronutrient not only protects and strengthens vision, but it helps build strong immune systems. For more than 50 years, Helen Keller Intl has been at the forefront of[...]

Helping Children and Families Live Healthier 

A father, son, and mother sit under their raised house in Cambodia.Helen Keller Intl believes in a world where no one is deprived of the opportunity to live a healthy life and reach their true potential.  Working with our global community, we’re supporting millions of families across Africa, Asia, and the United[...]

Championing Prenatal Vitamins in Sierra Leone

Two Sierra Leonean women stand outside of a house. One is holding a bottle of prenatal vitamins.For nearly 10 years, Boncapri Sesay has served as a peer educator, providing counseling and guidance to pregnant and breastfeeding women in her own community. Regularly hosting a group that meets under a mango tree in her rural village in Sierra Leone’s[...]