Good Nutrition Starts with Moms
Nearly half of all child deaths are attributed to malnutrition – more than AIDS, malaria, tuberculosis, and COVID-19 combined. What many don’t realize, however, is that malnutrition often starts in the womb. In fact, every year, maternal malnutrition leads to an estimated 800,000 deaths among newborns. Ensuring Healthy Starts for Children The first 1,000 days of […]
Looking Bravely: Breastfeeding Education in Nepal
We recently spoke with Nisha Sharma, a specialist in child feeding in Nepal. Since joining Helen Keller Intl in 2010, Nisha has conducted research about breastfeeding practices, the marketing of baby formula, and other issues with the dual goals of influencing public policy and further enhancing our evidence-based support for mothers and infants. Her role […]
Better maternity care means healthier babies and happier mothers
At 7pm on July 20, sixteen year-old Hildah went to a county hospital in western Kenya complaining of abdominal pain. By 9pm, she was a new mother. Here’s how we helped.