Since 2010, Helen Keller Intl has been working in Kenya to strengthen health systems and improve nutrition, especially for children and women. Despite remarkable progress, regional disparities persist due to challenges such as poor healthcare access, malnutrition, ongoing conflicts, extreme weather, and governance issues. Together with the Kenyan Ministry of Health and other partners, Helen Keller works to ensure children and families have equitable access to healthcare and good nutrition, including by focusing on the critical 1,000-day window from conception to a child’s second birthday to support children’s long-term health and development.

More than 60% of children under 5 suffer from vitamin A deficiency, impacting their vision, immunity, and growth.

More than 8 million children are infected with intestinal worms, a neglected tropical disease that causes physical and cognitive problems and blocks vitamin A absorption.

Nationally, 18% of children are stunted and 5% are wasted due to malnutrition.
Together, we help communities create lasting change by:

Partnering with communities to provide children across the country with two annual doses of vitamin A and help families access vitamin A-rich and fortified foods.

Working with the government to provide two annual doses of deworming medication for children and support access to clean water and sanitation for communities.

Ensuring children are screened and treated for malnutrition by providing training and resources to healthcare workers and caregivers.
Last year, we helped millions build lasting change
Reached over 3.1 million children – or 86% – under the age of 5 with 2 doses of vitamin A.
Provided nearly 2.2 million children under the age of 5 with twice annually deworming medication, alongside vitamin A.
Screened nearly 25,000 children for malnutrition and provided close to 250 healthcare workers and community healthcare promoters with nutrition-related training and resources.
Number of staff: 33
Office opened: 2010
People reached annually: 3.5M
Operating budget: $2.6M
Latest stories and headlines from Kenya
Our work in Kenya is supported by:
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, GiveWell, Global Affairs Canada, Ray and Tye Noorda Foundation, United Nations Children’s Fund