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80% of how we experience the world is through our eyes. 

  • Mary, a Latina teenager, gives a smile to the camera while wearing her new glasses. She is wearing a teal sweatshirt and has long dark brown hair.
  • A older African man looks into the camera.
  • A photo of three people, Abdoul's father, Abdoul, and Abdoul's mother. Abdoul's father on the left is smiling towards Abdoul. Abdoul is looking at the camera with an open mouth and standing. Abdoul's mother is smiling closed-mouth to the camera.
  • A black and white photo of Helen Keller and her teacher, Anne Sullivan in a tree. They are both reading while wearing white dresses.
  • Prince, a young Black boy is in the middle of trying on a pair of blue rimmed glasses. He has his arms up and glasses more to the side as he's about to put them on. He's standing in front of a box with glasses in a classroom. He is wearing a black mask that is below his chin and a navy blue Puma zip-up hoodie.

Inequities in our healthcare systems mean children and family members may suffer without reason. 

Today, 1 in 7 people worldwide live with some form of vision loss, yet 90% of vision loss is preventable or treatable. Families living in poverty face the greatest barriers to eye care, such as expense and access. In a world built for sighted people, not being able to see clearly means that children and family members are unable to learn, form friendships, earn a living, and remain safe. 

Vision is a part of our DNA

Our co-founder, Helen Keller, imagined a world where no one was left out, regardless of race, disability, or income. Despite her inability to hear or see, Helen learned to communicate with the support of her gifted teacher, Anne Sullivan. And she did extraordinary things with her voice – speaking out for others who might have otherwise been left behind.

Like Helen herself, our generous Helen Keller community stands up against inequities and invests in evidence-based solutions to support more than 83 million children and their families. 

You can help people see a brighter future

Working hand-in-hand with communities around the world, we work to strengthen and expand vision care to protect and save sight. By building inclusive healthcare systems, you’re helping people like Mary and Famaka live healthier lives and discover their true potential. You can help us deliver the right support at the right time. 

Your gift today can do more than you ever imagined: 

$50 can provide medication for 100 people to prevent blinding diseases.

$200 can ensure a year of vitamin A for 100 children.

$500 can fund cataract surgeries to restore sight for 6 people.

$1,000 can provide sight-saving surgeries for 7 trachoma patients.

You can help empower the next generation of visionaries.