MMDP Project Resources

From July 2014 through September 2019, Helen Keller led USAID’s flagship program, the Morbidity Management and Disability Prevention Project, working primarily in Burkina Faso, Cameroon, and Ethiopia as well as at the global level. With national Ministries of Health leading program planning and implementation in each country and support from in-country implementing partners (Sightsavers in Cameroon and RTI International with the Fred Hollows Foundation and Light For The World in Ethiopia), the project brought life-changing trichiasis and hydrocele surgery to tens of thousands, giving them a new chance at life. At the country level, the project also strengthened systems to improve morbidity management; trained hundreds of surgeons and other health care providers; expanded data management systems to better track both those in need of care as well as those who receive services; and ensured that all services, especially trichiasis and hydrocele surgery, were of the highest quality and incorporated WHO’s standards and international preferred practices.

In addition to the life-changing achievements at the country level, the project made important contributions at the global level. By documenting lessons learned, investigating promising practices, and sharing knowledge widely, the MMDP Project improved data availability and use, filled gaps in the trachoma and LF knowledge base, contributed to operational research, and devoted considerable effort to developing tools and resources that the international community is already using in trachoma and LF programs in other countries. Below is a list of those resources, many of which are available in French.


Lymphatic Filariasis (LF)

Non-Project Resources


Lymphatic Filariasis (LF)